2012年10月30日 星期二

Analogue Drums Series One Bundle MULTiFORMAT DVDR

皮老闆  鋼彈  弘前亮子

商品名稱: Analogue Drums Series One Bundle MULTiFORMAT DVDR

商品分類: 聲音相關及音樂轉檔工具

商品類型: Analogue Drums 出品 鼓聲音色庫軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-09-15


包含超過3614個WAV鼓聲采樣。采樣音質為24bit, 44.1khz, Stereo。相容以下:Native Instruments Battery 3,

Native Instruments Kontakt 2 3,EXS24 / Logic。


Four times the fun for three times the price! No really, we've done

the math and it works out cheaper this way. Get Rockstock, Popsticks,

Splitsticks, Big Mono and Snare City together in a single package at

a great price of $59.95. That's over 3000 quality drum samples, or

about 2.5GB of sonic boom.

You get: 3614 discrete wav samples, quick-reference cards (PDF),

sampler mapping files.

Sample format: 24bit, 44.1khz, Stereo, Wav format

